How to Eliminate Back Fat

And What Exactly is Back Fat?

When we catch a glimpse of our back in the mirror, we see it. It sneaks up on you over time and it’s difficult to believe we are looking at ourselves. So, whatever you call it, excess fat in our mid-section is difficult to hide and something we feel a bit self-conscious about it. And most of us really want to eliminate back fat but find it difficult to do.

Whatever you call it, midsection fat:

  • Love handles – just at the waist and hangs over the side of the belt.
  • Back Fat – even more visible in a woman because a bra strap is designed to hug the ribs. This spreads any fat along the back up and down, making it look more pronounced.
  • Underarm Flab – also more pronounced for bra-wearers.

Can you think of any other types? Do you have a pet name for yours?

Do You Hate Your Back Fat Too?

Unfortunately, our mid-section is one part of our bodies that (for most people) stores fat easily and looks unsightly. Looking at these 2 pictures, which would you rather be? And what is it worth to you – what will you do to look and feel better?

Before Eliminate Back Fat - Back Fat Before After No Back Fat

If you look a bit curvier than you would like, you have less energy than you used to, and you are feeling a bit more sluggish, note that these are not the only dangers. These are usually a sign of weak back muscles which can lead to poor posture and can be one of the causes of back pain. Something that if you have ever experienced, you might do anything to avoid.

What CAN you do about it?

One of the most common problems we face is that once we have had enough and make up our mind to do something about it, we want to change, and we want it fast. Because getting in shape and toning our muscles can take so long, we get frustrated and want to we give up. It’s too hard. It’s not for us. We’re not disciplined enough. We want it quick, and we want it now.

Not so fast…

Although a quick fix to your weight problem may sound appealing, the reality is that successful, long-term weight loss requires a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and exercise. Put your energies into eating a balanced, healthy diet… 

∼ Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Yes, it’s frustrating that we cannot spot-reduce our bodies, but we have to remember that we didn’t grow a fat back overnight. And we won’t be able to get rid of it quickly without health risks. So, be cautious about what you are promised with quick-fix articles. Yes, you can tone your muscles and look and feel better in 3 weeks and if that will help you get started, then don’t delay. Just be cautious about fad diets and avoid diet pills.

It’s a Commitment…

Losing weight is a lifetime commitment that requires determination. It’s a whole-package solution with diet and exercise as your key. And, you don’t have to drop-everything and become a health nut. There are other things you can be doing to improve your health and feel great and look good in the process. Such as, focus on sitting up straight, skipping the nightly snack (or making it more nutritious), spending 10 minutes on exercising (focus on your back) and simply being more active. These little sacrifices soon become habits and habits are what leads us to success. And YOU are worth it!

The Solution: eliminate back fat with exercise

So remember, with exercise and nutrition you can tone your muscles and get the torso you see here in the ‘After‘ picture.  Image of a Fit Body

You can do this!

Watch this video by Dr. Eric Berg DC. In just 8 minutes he’ll explain the 3 problems that contribute to Back Fat, food to avoid, how to eat in general, the importance of stress avoidance and exercise. You’ll see that the good doctor has the perfect information and exercises you need in How to Lose Back Fat YouTube Video about Back Fat

4 Great Exercises to help Eliminate Back Fat

Dr. Berg recommends these exercises to eliminate back fat:

Tap to go to Exercise Instructions…

Note: Be sure to check with your doctor before starting an exercise routine. He/she may advise different exercises that are right for you.

I want to share an important comment from Doctor Jonathan who publishes All About Healthy Choices:

“Very important topic with good information… Two important points to add:

  1. The exercise component (except for the superman exercise) basically uses the lower body to strengthen the lower back muscles. Functionally, we use these muscles bending from the waist. Therefore, using a stability ball to do these same exercises, (but bending from the waist) will work these same muscles functionally.
  2.  “Superman” exercises should be modified for safety. We do not functionally use our backs in the HYPER extended position. Several pillows should be placed under the torso while supine to create an upside down “V” position as a starting position. The back can then be extended to NEUTRAL working the back muscles through the range of motion we use these muscles (eg. bending over to pick up objects from the ground and standing back up.) Going beyond neutral places the back in HYPEREXTENSION causing potential harm to the spine. This is an unnatural position for the back to be placed in.

Hopefully this helps your readers when performing these exercises. Thank you again for writing such a quality post.” ~ Dr. Jonathan

Exercise Instructions

We have formatted each exercise for printing separately so you can refer to them during your next workout. Visit our Back Fat Exercises page, print and start your next workout!

Please note that these exercises are recommended for anyone who does a lot of ab (core) exercises. Working your core without working your back muscles causes an imbalance and can lead to back pain and soreness.

We hope you found this beneficial and would love to hear from you. Thank you for spending time with us today, we hope you visit often. Wishing you the best of health!

Important Note: Please see Doctor Jonathan’s comment above about changes to the superman exercise.


19 thoughts on “How to Eliminate Back Fat

  1. Joan, this was a very enjoyable and interesting article. I loved Dr. Berg’s video; what a lovely fellow, and obviously follows his own advice.
    As you may remember, I’ve been using my rowing machine for almost a month now; coupled with a new stepper (which makes me hold my abdominals to remain balanced) I feel quite a lot stronger than previously. Add yoga and a number of stretching exercises; I’m feeling quite energised; a little smaller in circumference around the middle, :) and the arm flab is diminishing! All in all it’s a win/win.
    However, I just had a small tub of plain yogurt and was feeling quite pleased about that. Then I checked the ingredients and found 9.5 grams of sugar… Darn… and I have thought that was a healthy snack. Back to the drawing board.. ;) ;)


    1. Hi Carolyn, I’m so happy you liked the article! I enjoyed Dr. Berg’s video as well, he explains a lot in 8 minutes!
      Now, don’t beat yourself up, I’m sure it was better than lots of your other choices :). BTW – was it ‘fat free’ Yogurt? Unfortunately, yogurt can be a fake ‘healthy’ food. By fake I mean that since sugar is substituted for fat (so it tastes better – because bad tasting food doesn’t sell). Try to read the label on the healthy and fat-free products and be cautious about sugar-free foods in general for that reason. You may be better off eating the fat than the addicting sugar, or grab some nuts or fruit instead. I used to never eat fruit and now I cut up an apple after lunch and that helps me avoid the peanut MM’s in the vending machine.
      I am so happy that your efforts have been so successful after a month and that you feel and look good.

      I love hearing about your rowing efforts and glad that you are experiencing the benefits, you are inspirational for everyone reading about your experience. How long did you have to row before you started to feel better? I would love to hear about your workout routine – would you mind sharing?
      Thank you for your visit Carolyn – it’s always a pleasure to hear from you!


      1. Happy weekend, Joan!
        After watching a couple of Dr. Bergs videos I came to realise my Greek Full Fat Yogurt is indeed a good choice amidst those available. So, I won’t be saying goodbye to it; just – see you ‘once in a while’… hahah.
        Thank You so much for the invitation to share my exercising routine/benefits, etc. However, Joan, I will be incorporating this as a theme over the coming days and months on my blog. So, ‘No spoilers, please….’ :) :)
        Once again; enjoy the weekend…


        1. Hi Carolyn, I am thrilled that you will incorporate this in your blog. It’s a great story and so good for people to hear. I am so happy about that – please let us know when you debut your story, I’m sure our readers would love to stop by your site too! Keep up the great work Carolyn! Wishing you the best of health! And if we can help in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Again, great job!


  2. I forgot all aboyathe Superman position until now! Will start using it again ;) Also, why aarw they called LOVE handles when not a single person is in love with fat there?! Great post, Joan!


    1. Thanks Christy! I know, no love going on there! haha I think you’ll love the results of the Superman, especially if you work your abs because it’ll keep you in balance. A lot of people that work their core (it takes a lot of work) and forget their back. The superman will help them with that nagging lower back pain when you get in and out of the car. Thank you for stopping by – I know you have a very busy schedule and I always love your visits! Wishing you the best of health!


      1. Thank you :) Excuse the typos in that original comment though as I was on my phone and it loves auto-correct (which ironically corrects little but confuses many haha!) <3


        1. :) Auto correct should be auto typo… haha – no worries at all, I think there is actually someone sitting behind the phone doing that on purpose and laughing the whole time… LOL :) Always happy you stopped by – thank you Christy!


    1. You are very welcome D.G. – my Superman is far from super :), so I’ve been practicing mine too! Thank you so much for stopping by!


  3. Very important topic with good information for the average consumer. Two important points to add if you don’t mind.
    1. The exercise component (except for the superman exercise) basically utilizes the lower body to strengthen the lower back muscles. Functionally, we use these muscles bending from the waist. Therefore, using a stability ball to do these same exercises, (but bending from the waist) will work these same muscles functionally.
    2. “Superman” exercises should be modified for safety. We do not functionally use our backs in the HYPER extended position. Several pillows should be placed under the torso while supine to create an upside down “V” position as a starting position. The back can then be extended to NEUTRAL working the back muscles through the range of motion we utilize these muscles (ex bending over to pick up objects from the ground and standing back up.) Going beyond neutral places the back in HYPEREXTENSION causing potential harm to the spine. This is an unnatural position for the back to be placed in.

    Hopefully this helps your readers when performing these exercises. Thank you again for writing such a quality post.


    1. Thank you so much Doctor Jonathan – that means a lot to me and I value your input and enjoy the quality of your site as well. Would you mind if I add your comments to the article? I’ll also refer to your site.

      Thank you so very much!


      1. Sorry for the late response. You are more than welcome to add my comments. I don’t believe in leaving any comments I don’t truthfully support. You have already seen some comments I’ve left for you that provide alternative perspectives. I believe this is an important part of a healthy dialogue. If everyone required simple agreement, we would live in a boring environment with little room for growth and development.

        Keep up the good work and share those important messages! :-)


        1. Thank you Doctor Jonathan! As always, your support is inspirational and greatly appreciated! :)


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